How does your digital transformation strategy compare to leaders around the world?
Only digital solutions that scale can generate significant value, and the ability to scale solutions quickly differentiates companies that are aware of the value of their digital transformations from those that are not.
Digital leaders are making the greatest impact in customer-facing solutions, i.e. those that relate to improving customer experience, sales and marketing.
Our partner Google Cloud in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has surveyed executive teams at nearly 2,000 companies in 18 countries to measure the impact of the key factors driving these digital value-generating programmes.
Research shows that leaders scale more customer-oriented solutions than operational or functional solutions. Common examples include automated campaign optimisation, such as intelligent bidding and personalised B2C or B2B services (e.g. personalised landing pages).
Among other results, it shows the following indicators for moving from being a digital laggard to a digital leader:
- 3x higher ROI
- 15-20% cost savings
- 15-20% revenue growth
Find out what will make the difference for your business by consulting this full report thanks to our partner Google Cloud.
The report highlights the following points in particular
- Scaling digital solutions drives significant impact
- Customer-facing digital solutions that drive top-line value
- Digital solutions can generate significant cost savings
- Leaders have strong data governance and create future-ready architectures
- Digital leaders deploy cloud-native solutions in a modern architecture
- Only one in three companies control cloud costs, but those that do gain two to three times more efficiency.
Luce IT, always adding value
“We believe that technology and data could change the world”
The history of Luce is a story of challenges and nonconformity, always solving value challenges using technology and data to accelerate digital transformation in society through our clients.
We have a unique way of doing consulting and projects within a collegial environment creating “Flow” between learning, innovation and proactive project execution.
In Luce we will be the best offering multidisciplinary technological knowledge, through our chapters, generating value in each iteration with our clients, delivering quality and offering capacity and scalability so they can grow with us.