In the last years Luce has reinforced its expertise on top level technological solutions from players such as: IBM USA, Dassault Systemes or Adobe, among others.With the aim of offering its customers the latest solutions thanks to our technical team with experience in global projects.
Luce has been selected again to be in the Catalogue of Centralized Purchases of the State. This way, the relationship between the companies that are part of the UTE Luce, Alalza, Factoría de Iniciativas de Internet and Insis4 is consolidated and they have been providing services for the sixth consecutive year; growing in clients and turnover.
The companies that make up the joint venture have more than 1000 employees and a turnover of 40 million euros, international experience and work centres in LATAM and the USA, and are capable of tackling multi-country projects.
With the aim of optimizing the contracting of services by the Administrations, the State, through the Ministry of Finance, tenders different goods and services in order to have a wide catalogue of approved suppliers to choose from. Last year, a tender was held for software development services, called Framework Agreement 26/15, with a volume of 368 million euros for the 2016 and 2017 years. The Framework Agreement came into force last August.
The conditions of this competition have been demanding, apart from technical or economic-financial solvency, emphasis has been placed on quality, so it has been essential that companies have ISO 15504-SPICE or CMMI level 3 or higher certification. This certification is a guarantee for our clients because it ensures that the procedures of the approved companies satisfy quality standards throughout the entire life cycle: from the beginning (definition) to the delivery and maintainability of the entire project. In Luce we have fully integrated the procedures of ISO 15504, with the agile methodologies.
This supports the work and satisfaction of our customers over the years. In the words of our CEO, Javier Durán “we are very proud to have achieved this again. We will continue working to accompany our clients in the digital transformation by offering value, experience and knowledge in every interaction”.
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