The European Union, through the Next Generation Funds, provides Spain with €59 billion in support to improve economic and social resilience and boost its digitisation.
Logistics and the supply chain have seen significant growth in recent months, and have become one of the differentiators for brands in this new context where digital capabilities are especially relevant.
These systems have received millions of euros of investment to improve efficiency, secure pick-ups and deliveries and, ultimately, ensure customer satisfaction. According to some recent studies (1)very few supply chains were able to deliver the necessary performance over the past year.
Traditional process robotisation (RPA) has certain limitations. These are resolved with Aintelligent automation which combines this robotisation with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in order to address comprehensive process automation. AI provides analytics and machine learning capabilities, as well as cognitive technologies such as computer vision and natural language processing.
Intelligent Automation makes manufacturers much more competitive in global markets thanks to advantages such as: Automation.
- More agile processes to reduce costs and manual tasks
- Reduced time to deliver products to consumers
- Ensures business continuity by reducing the risk of stock-outs
A study conducted by MAPI and Automation Anywhere, our partner in intelligent automation solutions, found that 75% of manufacturers surveyed who have implemented RPAhave met or exceeded their expectations and 83% of those companies saw ROI in 12 months or less.
Why apply intelligent automation to my supply chain?
Companies with supply chains must remain competitive despite the circumstances of the global environment. Their goals are to be responsive to their customers while reducing costs and complying with legislation. But achieving these goals depends not only on pure manufacturing activity but also on process improvement, and that these processes are efficient in terms of time, cost and resources. .
The application of RPA becomes indispensable to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of these processes, and these are some aspects of supply chain operations that can benefit from RPA: Supply chain operations that can benefit from RPA:
- Purchase order processing and invoicing: Intelligent robots can receive orders from any source – fax, email, website or even old-fashioned paper forms and “read” them to extract data.
- Supplier quality management: Digital workers can monitor quality returns, track defect types by SKU and issue reports on specific suppliers. Bots can also automate compliance and SLA reporting based on incoming quality data.
- Inventory reconciliation: RPA bots can take data from a website or landing page, and reconcile it with raw material inventory to ensure that all materials have been received and that payment is accurate.
- Just-in-time (JIT) delivery management: Bots can automate the creation and management of JIT delivery schedules. They can help eliminate scheduling errors and reduce the risk of delivering the wrong inventory to plants
Benefits of applying Intelligent automation to supply-chain
There is a belief that for a supply chain the only bots that work are physical, hardware bots, however RPA bots created with the most innovative intelligent automation software supports the strengthening of the supply chain and overcomes everyday obstacles such as invoicing or supplier management.
Some of the benefits of intelligent automation for the supply chain include:
- Reduce back-office costs. Eliminate human errors and increase compliance in business processes, from HR to IT.
- Increases agility in the production process and speed to market. Implementing a digital workforce ensures faster process execution and maximum productivity
- Reduce errors and “waste”-lean manufacturing. Inventory errors are common problems faced by all manufacturers in their daily routine. The RPAenables manufacturers to eliminate waste from processes and workflows across the enterprise.
- Resilient supply chain. Applying RPA together with artificial intelligence, streamlines supply chain processes and the onboarding of new suppliers
- Improve the post-sales customer experience. Build customer loyalty by using real-time data provided by a bot during customer service moments to anticipate customer needs and provide differentiated experiences.
Boosting transformation and enhancing resilience
The European Union, with the aim of responding to the significant effects caused by COVID-19 on the economy, is providing an important economic boost through the Next Generation Funds. .
These plans will provide Spain with €59 billion in support to improve economic and social resilience and boost its digitisation.
Cybersecurity, the data economy, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies represent the strategic lines of one of the four cross-cutting lines of the programme focused on boosting the second wave of digitalisation. Cybersecurity, the data economy, artificial intelligence and other digital technologies represent the strategic lines of one of the four cross-cutting lines of the programme focused on boosting the second wave of digitalisation.
The ebook by our partner Automation Anywhere, Reducing ‘Process Waste’ in Manufacturing, is a must-read guide for manufacturing executives who are exploring how intelligent automation (RPA+IA) can increase efficiency and reduce errors in supply chain planning, purchasing and operations.
Download this eBook and understand how RPA will help improve your organisation’s competitiveness.
If you feel like getting involved in a project, Luce Innovative Technologies will be happy to help you, so don’t hesitate to contact us.
At LUCE we team with our clients to help them build their competitive advantage. A competitive advantage built on their ecosystem, increasing the value of the client’s own teams with a business-first approach.
Since 2008, LUCE has been helping in the digital transformation of its clients, in the areas of software development, Big Data, Digital Marketing, Analytics, Cloud and Intelligent Automation.
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