Add artificial intelligence plus analytics to transform your call center and optimise your digital marketing campaigns.
Despite the number of new technological solutions, calls to call centres for certain services such as reservations, customer service or general consumer information are not going away. Investing in digital solutions to reduce call volume and cost may not pay off if the customer experience is not right.
For this reason, analysing the ROI of your digital marketing campaigns is the best way to know if you are getting the customer journey right. At this point it becomes essential to use analytical tools and solutions that connect the “web” world with the “contact centre” world to have a unified view of customers.
If you want to correctly track calls, know where they come from, who your customers are and what their journey is, the Track 2 Call solution offers call tracking that optimises the efficiency of agents and digital marketing campaigns, increasing lead conversion between the contact centre and the web and improving the ROPO (Research Online Purchase Offline) user experience.
What is Track 2 Call?
Track 2 Call is Luce’s proprietary Call Tracking solution that provides a unique number per customer from the web, app, email where the contact centre’s phone number is displayed until the call is finally made.
It identifies the audience classified as ROPO (research online purchase offline) extending the capabilities of organisations to perform actions that encourage conversion.
At the same time, thanks to the Real-Time architecture, it allows anticipating customer needs to agents to improve the in-call experience.
What is the added value of Track 2 Call?
Track 2 call optimises your organisation’s digital marketing investment because it combines the browsing data of your customers and that of the contact centre. This offers 1:1 real-time personalisation of the user on each call, recognising the customer and offering them a unique number that personalises each user’s customer journey.
The increase in conversion rates is immediate because it gives real-time information to your call centre agents.
In addition, Track 2 Call allows you to make intelligent decisions, evaluating the behaviour of your web users, thanks to its analytics and automated reports.
More features:
- Compatible with any Cloud platform (Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud or AWS)
- No carrier migration required
- Flexible licensing
- Compatible with public funding
- True CPA optimisation thanks to omnichannel reporting.
- Integration with Google Analytics, CRM and switchboard.
- Extension to other channels such as meta search engines, Facebook or Google Ads.
Do you want to optimise your Call Centre calls??
Maximise the ROI of your digital marketing campaigns by connecting the web and contact centre.
Passion for technological challenges
“We believe that technology and data could change the world”
The history of Luce is a story of challenges and nonconformity, always solving value challenges using technology and data to accelerate digital transformation in society through our clients.
We have a unique way of doing consulting and projects within a collegial environment creating “Flow” between learning, innovation and proactive project execution.
In Luce we will be the best offering multidisciplinary technological knowledge, through our chapters, generating value in each iteration with our clients, delivering quality and offering capacity and scalability so they can grow with us.